My Fur Baby Love

SooooPHI, the power of a name

As MyFurBabyLove’s first post, I thought it would be fitting to talk about where the magic began, lol; the origin and significance of the unique spelling of my furbaby’s name, Sophi.  As an enthusiastic fiction reader, I came across the name/spelling, Sophi, in the Dan Brown book, The Davinci Code.  I was quite taken with the meaning of the character’s name since it was derived from PHI, aka the Divine Proportion, which is the mathematical expression of balance and harmony in the universe.  I tucked that little nugget away in the back of my mind to be called upon when I had a daughter; then when the stars aligned and I found my “Love”, I knew immediately that this was my SoPHI.  Sophi, however, did not get the memo, lol!  She could not have been any more the opposite of balance and harmony in my universe if her life depended on it.  This little holy terror was often called So-NOT-phi and it was the craziest of times in my house until about 7 months after I brought my little girl home.  Suddenly, like divine intervention, Sophi  outgrew the puppy phase and she and mama finally started bonding.  Since then, she and I have grown closer than I could have ever imagined and totally in sync with each other.  Truly the most epic of love stories!  To each other, we are indeed PHI, the real life expressions of balance and harmony in the other’s universe!

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